
The collection as well as the usage of your personal data on this website takes place solely in accordance with the relevant provisions of the data-protection law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Data transfer and recording for intrasystem and statistical purposes

Your browser automatically transfers data to our server when accessing our website. Among other things, date and time, any obtained data, quantity of data transferred, type and version of your browser, your operating system and your IP address will be stored separately to any other data input. We are not able to assign this data to individual persons. The data is evaluated for statistical purposes and then deleted.

Inventory data

In case an contractual relationship is established, shaped or modified between you and the HIIK, personal data will be collected and used to the extent to which this should be necessary for our purposes.

Your data will not be passed to third parties.

However, we are entitled by ordinance of responsible authorities to provide information about the inventory data in individual cases, if this should be necessary for prosecution, averting of a danger, the pursuance of the official duties of the offices for the protection of the Constitution/ Verfassungsschutzbehörden, the pursuance of the official duties of the Military Counterintelligence Service/ Militärischer Abschirmdienst or the enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Usage data

We collect and use personal data to the extent to which this is necessary to enable the utilisation of our website. These usage data especially include features enabling your identification information about start and end and extent of your usage of our website.

We are entitled to create profiles for advertising and market research purposes and for the enhancement of our website, if pseudonyms are used. You are entitled to object the usage of this data at any time. We are not entitled to amalgamate these profiles with any data related to the carrier of the pseudonym.

We are entitled by ordinance of responsible authorities to provide information about the inventory data in individual cases, if this should be necessary for prosecution, averting of a danger, the pursuance of the official duties of the offices for the protection of the Constitution/ Verfassungsschutzbehörden, the pursuance of the official duties of the Military Counterintelligence Service/ Militärischer Abschirmdienst or the enforcement of intellectual property rights.


In order to extend the range of functions of our website and facilitate its usage, we are using cookies. By means of those cookies, data can be stored on your computer each time you are accessing our webpage. You may refuse the use of cookies by disabling them via the relevant settings of your browser. Be aware that this may narrow the range of functions of our webpage.

Right to information

As a user of this webpage you are entitled to demand information about any data stored on our server concerning your person or your pseudonym. By request, it is also possible to provide this information electronically. In order to do so or if you have any further questions, please contact
